How to sell your home for the best price

Timing and Knowing the market

How do I know if it is the right time to sell my house for a great profit?

Choosing a realtor

What is the best way to choose a realtor?

Understanding comps

Every time I look at the houses for sale in my area, they are priced higher than what the realtor says I can get. How can I figure out what the houses are really worth?

Pricing Strategies

How do I price my home to get the most money?

Evaluating your own home

How do I get started with preparing my home for sale?

How can I get the most money for my house without spending too much in repairs?

What repairs should I do and what are the most cost effective upgrades to make?


I have a very busy schedule. How often do I need to show the house?


How much do I have to tell the buyer about the house What if I don’t know the whole history?

What is the best way to promote my property? What can I expect the realtor to do and what should I be doing?

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