Choosing the Best Funding Options

What kind or how much money or funding do I need to buy a home?

What kind of funding is available?

What about seller financing?

IS there really any difference between lenders?

Is credit important?

How much downpayment is needed and does it matter where it comes from?

What if I am self employed or short time on the job?

What if I had a recent bankruptcy or foreclosure?

Where can I go to get this funding?

How do I get started?

What does it mean to get funding?

How do I know what questions to ask about different funding options?

Where or how can I find people that offer the type of funding I am seeking?

Can I get funding if I am in bankruptcy?

Can you explain different funding terms?
a) principal
b) interest
c) taxes
d) insurance
e) HOA fees
f) Loan insurance premiums
g) Points
h) APR vs interest rate
i) down payment

Where do I begin?

How do I know if I have a good deal?

What should I be careful to avoid?

How do I know if my lender knows all of the options?

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